Will there be a cardfight vanguard online game
Will there be a cardfight vanguard online game

will there be a cardfight vanguard online game

Since I have a background in programming in PHP, JavaScript and C++ for server-side applications, it got me thinking - and soon, a small brainchild, a concept, was born in the back of my head. But, what I noticed is, that even during the original Vanguard, there were a few instances shown, where players were obviously using a simulator to play the game with others instead of using physical cards.

will there be a cardfight vanguard online game

I seem to recall watching it on Youtube as well, but apparently the original episodes have been taken off Youtube by now, and I might have used another website to watch it anyway. So, for the last week, I quite literally burnt through "Cardfight!! Vanguard G", whilst having watched the original anime back when it was first aired. One of the entries was, to finish the entirity of the Vanguard anime. Now, thanks to the current Corona pandemic going around, I was about to fold my backlog in anime. This was, obviously, way before it was officially canceled and thus no longer continued. So, when I first got in contact with Vanguard, my first question was, if I could play it online to pick out the cards I would actually want to play in turnaments and the like.and back then, rumors of a Vanguard Online were going around, and I feel like I even remember a beta version circling around as well. One way, in which I had prepared for this was to use (unlicensed, non-endorsed) Yu-Gi-Oh simulators such as Dueling Network and YGOPro (Percy at that time). I could've gone higher but fell asleep during the break and woke up way too late to make it to my game, and even had to clarify that I did not drop.kinda embarressing really but happens after playing 7h+ of competitive turnaments - with a visual impairment (almost blind, left eye 20% and right eye ~3%) which meant a lot of additional brainwork since I had to memorize all the common cards at the time since I couldn't just read them off the card as needed. In 2014, I first came into contact with the "Cardfight!! Vanguard" TCG and I was introduced to it while I was at my hights as a professional Yu-Gi-Oh player, playing at several turnaments and usually coming out at the upper third of the turnaments - not always the top 10 on bigger turnaments but about 3rd out of 22 in average at local events, with my highest official turnament placing being 129th at a YCS in Leipzig.

Will there be a cardfight vanguard online game